Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Yes Factor

"A patient goes to a doctor with an earache. The doctor tells the patient the cause of the earache and writes a prescription. On it he writes, "place in rear."(Doctors have terrible handwriting!). it was meant to read, "R-ear".

The nurse takes the prescription, reads the label, and says to the patient, "Could you slide down your pants and lie on your stomache, please?"

The patient's ear is really bothering him, and while he's little confused about why the nurse wants him to bare his rear, he does it anyway. The nurse goes ahead and rectally administers the drops the doctor had intended for his right ear!.

(it was reported in a book on medication errors by two Temple University pharmocology professors. The nurse didnt question what she thought the doctor had instructed her to do, and neither did the patient.